Kent Üniversitesi


From the beginning of human history, it is a known fact that people have used plants not only as food but also as medicine to alleviate pain and heal wounds. Many active ingredients in modern medicines are produced by taking plant active substances as examples.

Thus, the examination of traditional folk medicines, the evaluation of their contents with current technology, and the introduction of these findings into our country's economy as new medicines, along with the morphological, anatomical, and chemical examination and standardization of medicinal plants, toxic plants, cultivated plants, recreational and addictive plants, and even plants used in dye production in Turkey, are the fundamental subjects of pharmaceutical botany. It has been taught as a course in Pharmacy Faculties since 1839.

On the other hand, the protection and control of the trade of medicinal plants found in Turkey's rich flora is of great importance. Our new young pharmacists need to be knowledgeable, careful, sensitive, and ready to take responsibility in this regard.

In our course, it is also aimed to educate pharmacists who have the potential to enlighten the public against entrepreneurs trying to deceive people with statements like "Any mixture, solution, etc., is beneficial and not harmful if it is herbal!" on today's social media. These pharmacists should know that the alkaloids contained in plants are not always harmless and that the effects of plants can vary based on factors such as water, sun, and dry air. Thus, they should be inclined towards honest production, equipped with the latest technology, and knowledgeable.

Therefore, our students will graduate as knowledgeable young people who recognize plants, know their active ingredients, and understand their purposes of use. We want to see these young people in the production line, and we are preparing them for this. Bringing a new perspective to us, preparing new preparations and formulas, and using their knowledge for the benefit of our country are the ultimate fundamental objectives of this course.


Our department has a student laboratory designed in accordance with the Pharmaceutical Botany Practice courses, which can be used by 20 students simultaneously. We strive to provide each student with a microscope for working. We consider the active participation of students in education, such as taking plant sections, identifying their alkaloids with special stains, and preparing the shapes of plant cells, as an element that enhances the quality of education.

Although our university's Faculty of Pharmacy is very new, the establishment works of the Herbarium of the Faculty of Pharmacy of KENT University, affiliated with the Department of Pharmaceutical Botany, have begun, and samples are being collected. The herbarium aims to be registered in the International Herbarium Index (Index Herbariorum) by completing the collections of especially medicinal and toxic plant specimens collected by our faculty members from almost every region of Turkey.