Kent Üniversitesi



Dear students who joined us to make the world a more beautiful place, we all know that the importance which humanity has attached to external appearance since the beginning of our existence applies to all ages and cultures and has been the same for all ages, is still ongoing and will continue. Likewise, we all know so well that interpersonal and social communication, attraction, and physical impression is physical, in other words, it depends on appearance... However, ‘beauty’ is not a one-dimensional concept and a beautiful appearance becomes complete with a beautiful soul. The fact that healthy, soignee and aesthetic appearance increases self-confidence and contributes to the mental health and social productivity of individuals.

Our students who will study in our department will graduate after they complete 4 semesters with current qualifications and increased communication skills in order to turn the appearance of hair, nails, face and body aesthetic through special care and applications methods, maintain and protect health and increase comfort.

Students who graduate from our department, which is a rich and popular field with many job opportunities, can start their own businesses such as a hairdresser or a beauty salon if they wish. In addition, they can work as nail technician, hairdresser and esthetician in this kind of businesses, or in the units of esthetics of private and public institutions such as hospitals, clinics and physicians' private offices, as physician assistants to foremost dermatologists and plastic surgeons in cosmetic dermatology-medical aesthetic practices, as professional make-up artist at theaters and media organizations and at the counters of pharmacies and cosmetic stores. It is also possible for them to pursue an academic career if they wish.

We welcome all students who are interested. Let's turn the world into a more beautiful place together.


Assoc. Prof. A. Nilhan ATSÜ

İstanbul Kent University