Kent Üniversitesi

Mission & Vision


As the Computer Programming Associate Degree Program, our mission is to train qualified and well-equipped professionals in the rapidly developing field of information technologies. Our primary goal is to provide students with basic programming skills and software development competencies, and to ensure that they grow up as innovative and solution-oriented individuals in line with the needs of the information technologies sector. At the same time, we aim to ensure that our students contribute to the business world as individuals who are committed to ethical values, have adopted lifelong learning, and have analytical thinking and problem-solving skills.


As the Computer Programming Associate Degree Program, our vision is to be a leading education program that is recognized nationally and internationally, cooperates with the sector, and is preferred in the field of computer programming with its innovative education approach and strong academic staff. We aim to train our students as creative and entrepreneurial individuals who can lead the information technology sector, adapt quickly to technological innovations. We aim to produce graduates who can produce solutions appropriate to the needs of society and industry by ensuring that quality in education is continuously improved and supported by current technologies.