Mission: The Department of Public Relations and Advertising adopts the mission of Istanbul Kent University and expands its structure in front of the communication sector. Therefore, the mission of the Department of Public Relations and Advertising is to follow the communicative, social, technological, political, economic, etc. changes in Türkiye and the world, to be able to direct the development of these changes, to be able to offer permanent solutions to today's problems in order to make a communicative and social contribution, to educate individuals and full-fledged professional communicators who know the human values of Türkiye and the world, who apply the values of Türkiye and the world in all areas of private and professional life, who can touch humanity and serve everyone equally.
Vision: The vision of the Department of Public Relations and Advertising is to educate world citizens who are capable of competing in all national and international fields, who have a high level of self-confidence, and who are loyal to national and cultural values. Accordingly, the vision of the Department of Public Relations and Advertising consists of three main stages:
- To train "professionals" with a good level of knowledge and experience in the field: In addition to the theoretical and practical courses given in our University and Department, we organize conferences and seminars with the leaders of the communication sector, carry out case analyses and provide our students with experience transfer through partnerships with professionals in the field and institutions in the communication sector.
- A "hands-on" education that identifies problems in the field and provides solutions: Providing internship opportunities for our students, creating a communications agency within the University, and establishing links with associations and organizations working in different areas of the communication sector, public relations, and advertising.
- To ensure the University's collaboration with professional institutions and individuals in the field: The aim is to share with the communications sector, public relations and advertising institutions, leading personalities in the field, and institutions that contribute to social transformations, and to ensure the renewal and dynamism of the communication sector and the field of public relations and advertising.