Kent Üniversitesi


In order to establish a student club at our university, you must have at least 10 founding members.

A student who is on the executive board of one club cannot be on the executive board of another club, but can become a member of another club and participate in events.

A lecturer at our university can only be an advisor to 1 student club.

All students enrolled in our university can become members.

You can get information from the Health, Culture and Sports Directorate of our university.

After getting the approval of the Club Advisor for an event planned by a club's Executive Board, application is made by club president via emailing after filling out the event application form at least 15 days prior to the event date.

Just applying for the event is not enough. The application must be discussed and decided. If the decision is made and the application is approved, event planning activity can be started. All processes are carried out by our Health, Culture and Sports Directorate.

The images to be used in the event are prepared by the Corporate Communication and Public Relations Directorate of our university. Approved posters are directed to the club by the Health, Culture and Sports Directorate and announced in places deemed appropriate by the relevant units. Clubs can also create visual designs themselves if they wish. The designed visuals must be submitted for the approval of the Health, Culture and Sports Directorate and the Corporate Communications and Public Relations Directorate.