Kent Üniversitesi


Erasmus+ Program is the general name of the international program, which is based in the European Commission, organized by the National Agencies of European Union member and candidate countries, includes non-EU program and partner countries as well, and provides the opportunity to participate in different “Mobilities” such as “Student Mobility for Studies”, “Student Mobility for Traineeships”, “Teaching Mobility for Academic Staff” and “Training Mobility for Administrative Staff”. In mobility, participants can take place in education, training and traineeship activities in these countries. 

In the framework of the Erasmus+ Program, there is a wide range of projects with many opportunities, such as the Mobility of Individuals in Higher Education (KA103) and Youth Exchanges (KA105), as described above.

Erasmus+ Program also facilitates many output-oriented projects such as strategic partnerships between universities, capacity building studies in the field of youth and inter-university capacity building studies (KA2), international academic development, scientific innovation, internationalisation, contribution to young participants and youth workers, and culture exchange. 

For more information,

Countries in KA103 Mobility Activities of Individuals in Higher Education (Student-Learning and Traineeships Mobility, Staff-Teaching and Training Mobility), where the mobility of individuals are carried out and grants are awarded to the participants, are called PROGRAM COUNTRIES, and the current list is as follows:

Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden.

North Macedonia, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Serbia, Turkey.


It is the type of “mobility” - activity that allows our bachelor's degree program students to study a semester of 4-year-long undergraduate education at one of the Universities, which has an Erasmus+ KA103 agreement for relevant departments, in a Program Country. Courses indicated in the “Learning Agreement” before the mobility and taken from the host institution are recognized at the end of the semester and recorded in students' transcript upon returning home with the equivalent of the grade received from the host institution and the original course code; thus affecting GPA of students.

This type of mobility can be performed physically (normal), virtually (online) or in the mixed form (physical + virtual).

For more information:

Erasmus+ KA103 learning mobility interinstitutional agreements of our university are signed for “bachelor's degree” departments and are therefore, available for full-time bachelor's degree program students who are actively studying at our university. However, there are some minimum requirements for our bachelor's degree program students to participate in learning mobility.

Erasmus+ student learning mobility process is conducted in the following manner: the Erasmus+ and International Programs Office of our university announce that application period is on, students apply for the relevant announcement, and the applications are evaluated by the Erasmus Selection and Evaluation Commission of our university. "Minimum participation requirements for Erasmus+ Student Learning Mobility" actually refers to the minimum requirements for accepting applications of students in the aforementioned internal announcements. Minimum requirements for accepting applications for in-house selections of Erasmus+ Student Learning Mobility are as follows:

- Being a full-time bachelor's degree program student who is actively studying in our institution,

- The requirement of a KA103 agreement in the department of faculty (for information: ),

- Quota requirement in the relevant announcement,

- Having studied minimum one semester in the higher education institution (to have a cumulative grade point average)

The student's cumulative GPA should be at least 2.20/4.00.

It is a type of activity which allows associate's degree, bachelor's degree and master's degree students to undergo internship for minimum 2 months and maximum 3 months as stated in the Directive on Erasmus+ Program Assignment and Application, without the requirement of an inter-institutional agreement for their department, in universities or enterprises, which are compatible with the learning outcomes of students' departments, in Program Countries that students should find with their own research. For compulsory internship activities; courses are determined by the “Mobility for Traineeships Agreement” before the mobility and taken from the host institution. At the end of the semester, the equivalent of the grade received from the host institution and the original course code are recognized upon your return home and recorded in your transcript; thus affecting your GPA.

This type of mobility can be performed physically (normal), virtually (online) or in the mixed form (physical + virtual).

For more information:

All students who are active and full-time students at our university can participate. However, there are some minimum requirements for our students to participate in mobility for traineeships.

Erasmus+ student mobility for traineeships process is conducted in the following manner: the Erasmus+ and International Programs Office of our university announce that application period is on, students apply for the relevant announcement, and the applications are evaluated by the Erasmus Selection and Evaluation Commission of our university. "Minimum participation requirements for Erasmus+ Student Mobility for Traineeships" actually refers to the minimum requirements for accepting applications of students in the aforementioned internal announcements. Minimum requirements for accepting applications for in-house selections of Erasmus+ Student Traineeship Mobility are as follows:

- Being a full-time student who is actively studying in our institution,

- Having received a “Letter of Acceptance” from a university or company in a Program Country,

- Available internship quota for student's department in the relevant announcement (we also have traineeship mobility possibility with some institutions with which we have interinstitutional agreements for studies. For information:,

- Having studied minimum one semester in the higher education institution (to have a cumulative grade point average)

- The cumulative GPA of the student must be at least 2.20/4.00 for Associate's Degree and Bachelor's degree program students, and at least 2.50/4.00 for Master's degree program students.

Internal selections for Erasmus+ "Student Learning Mobility" and "Student Mobility for Traineeships"  are carried out by the Erasmus Selection and Evaluation Commission of our university according to the selection criteria specified in the Turkish National Agency Application Guideline. The relevant selection criteria are as follows, and it is fully stated in each announcement for students' information:

*** Application evaluations and selection will be carried out by taking into account 50% of cumulative GPA Score and 50% of the English Proficiency Exam Score.

In addition to 50% of CGPA and 50% of English Proficiency exam, the following criteria will apply in the framework of Turkish National Agency Application Guideline rules:

1- During the evaluation process, children of martyrs and veterans are given +15 points.

2- During the evaluation process, students with disabilities are given +10 points, provided their documentation of disability is submitted.

3- In the evaluation process, in accordance with the Act No. 2828 on Social Services, +10 points will be awarded to students with a court decision of protection, care or housing.

4- During the evaluation process, while calculating the academic success and proficiency exam scores of students, who previously participated in a Lifelong Learning Program or Student Mobility for Studies or Traineeships within Erasmus+,10 point-reduction is applied for each activity previously benefitted from (both for mobility for studies and traineeships).

5- During the evaluation process, in the cases of participation in mobility in the country of citizenship, 10 point-reduction is applied.

6- In the evaluation process; 10 point-reduction is applied on the next application of students, who were selected for mobility, but did not participate in mobility and did not duly notify of waiver.

7- In the evaluation process; when a student applies to two types of mobility at the same time, 10 point-reduction is applied for the type of mobility that the student prefers.

8- If a student selected for mobility does not attend meetings/trainings about mobility held by the higher education institution without a valid reason, when student re-applies in Erasmus, in the evaluation process 5-point reduction is applied.

9- During the evaluation process, if a student, who applies but does not take the English Proficiency Exam without a valid reason, re-applies to Erasmus, 5-point reduction is applied.

10- 10 point-reduction for prior participation is not applied for other mobility activities which was carried out in a previous learning cycle or for activities other than higher education student learning / traineeships mobility. It is applied when a student, who has performed mobility, applies again within the same cycle of learning.

Yes, students are required to take the English proficiency exam. The application of a student who does not take the English exam is not evaluated in selections. If it is stated in the announcement, the make-up exam for the relevant English proficiency exam may not be held. During the evaluation process, 5-point reduction is applied if a student, who has applied, does not take the English Proficiency Exam without a valid reason, and applies to the Erasmus program again. In addition, the English Proficiency Exam score obtained by a student, following his/her application to any mobility type in the institution, is valid for 3 years for all types of mobilities. Students with valid English Proficiency Exam scores may not take the exam again by submitting a written request to our office regarding the subject.

Yes. For Erasmus+ Student Learning Mobility and Student Traineeships Mobility, individual grant support is available as specified in the relevant announcement. Individual grant support is indicated in the National Agency Guideline according to country groups and our students are informed about current amounts in meetings held by our office and informative presentations.

Important Information: Virtual (online) and mixed [physical(normal) + virtual(online)] mobility types have their own grant calculations. For information regarding grant management of virtual and mixed mobility types, students can review the presentations of Student Virtual Mobility Information and Covid-19 Frequently Asked Questions at the link of and / or can contact us via

Students who will participate in learning mobility do not pay tuition fees and/or other fees to host instutitions. However, their usual financial responsibilities continue in Istanbul Kent University. Students who will participate in mobility for traineeships also do not pay internship fees and/or fees to the host institution, id est school or enterprise to which they will go. However, their usual financial responsibilities continue in Istanbul Kent University.

Learning and Traineeship Mobility (and all other types of mobility related to the Erasmus+ Program); 

In addition to the usual individual support grant, there is a “Special Needs Grant” for  participants with disabilities (provided that their disability is documented).

Specifically for Student Learning Mobility, there is also “ADDITIONAL GRANT" support for economically disadvantaged participants (again with the requirement that their economic situation is documented).

For special needs grant and additional grant support, supplementary agreements are signed in addition to the usual individual support grant agreement. All details about the relevant grant applications and contractual processes are carried out by our office and grant is provided to the participants. For questions and more information about "Special Support Grant" and "Additional Grant" support, please visit our office by making an appointment via

Yes. If there is sufficient quota for your department specified in the application announcement (for mobility for traineeships) and your selection score allows you to participate in mobility, you can also participate in mobility without a grant.

Regarding the effects of Covid-19 pandemic on Erasmus+ Program and Student Learning/Traineeship mobility, it is helpful to read the  Covid-19 Frequently Asked Questions presentation, which you can access at the link of You can also always contact us emailing

In the framework of KA103 Project, Mobility of Individuals in Higher Education, Staff Mobility is divided into: Staff Teaching Mobility (for Academic Staff) and Staff Training Mobility (for administrative staff).

Said mobility activities allows our Academic and Administrative staff, to teach (for academic staff) and train (for administrative staff) in universities abroad with which we have KA103 bilateral inter-institutional agreements for (can vary according to the terms of agreements, but to be fair to everyone, the duration of the mobility is determined as) at least two days in a week, not including travelling.

Said mobility types can be performed physically (normal), virtually (online) or in the mixed form (physical + virtual).

For more information:

All our academic staff and contracted academic staff, who actively work at our university, can participate in the in-house selection for Staff Teaching Mobility. All staff and contracted personnel who actively work at our university can participate in internal selections for Staff Training Mobility.

Internal selections for Erasmus+ "Staff Mobility for Teaching and Training" are carried out by Erasmus Selection and Evaluation Commission of our university according to the selection criteria specified in the Turkish National Agency Guideline and the criteria indicated in the Erasmus+ Assignment and Application Directive of our University. The relevant selection criteria are as follows, and is fully indicated for the staff's information in each announcement:

Criteria to be used during in-house selections for Erasmus+ is prepared by referencing Turkish National Agency Guideline and is as follows.

1. Initial score will be 40 out of 100 for everyone in the academic staff.

2. According to CEFR standard (European Common Language Reference Framework): for each valid language proficiency document that staff offers; Staff is awarded +10 points for B1 and B2 levels certificates, Staff is awarded +15 points for C1 and C2 levels certificates.

3. Not having previously participated in Erasmus+ Staff Mobility for Teaching is awarded +10 points in the selection.

4. Having worked one year at our university is awarded +5 points for each year worked.

5. Erasmus + Departmental Coordinators and Erasmus+ Academic Advisor is awarded +5 points in the selection.

6. Staff with disabilities are awarded +10 points.

7. Veteran staff, spouses and children of martyrs and veterans are awarded +15 points.

8. Applications, that plan to perform mobility activity in a country and higher education institutions which were not included before or included with a smaller number of countries and higher education institutions are awarded + 5 points.

9. Enabling the signing of an Erasmus+ K103 or K107 interinstitutional agreement is awarded +10 points for each agreement.

The criteria of in-house Selection for Erasmus+ Administrative Staff Mobility for Training is prepared by referencing Turkish National Agency Guideline and is as follows.

1. Initial score will be 40 out of 100 for everyone in the administrative staff.

2. According to CEFR standard (European Common Language Reference Framework): for each valid language proficiency document that staff offers; Staff is awarded +10 points for B1 and B2 levels certificates, Staff is awarded +15 points for C1 and C2 levels certificates.

3. Not having previously participated in Erasmus Staff Mobility for Training is awarded +10 points in the selection.

4. Having worked one year at our university; is awarded +5 points for each year worked. Erasmus+ and International Programs Office and International Office staff are awarded + 5 points.

6. Staff with disabilities are awarded +10 points.

7. Veteran staff, spouses and children of martyrs and veterans are awarded +15 points.

8. Applications, that plan to perform mobility activity in a country and higher education institutions which were not included before or included with a smaller number of countries and higher education institutions are awarded + 5 points.

9. Enabling the signing of an Erasmus+ K103 or K107 interinstitutional agreement is awarded +10 points for each agreement.

10. Administrative staff in training activities are awarded + 5 points.

Yes. Staff mobility grants are calculated under 2 items: daily grant and travel expenses. For detailed information you can review the staff information presentation, which you can access via the link of, or you can contact us at the address of

Important Information: Virtual (online) and mixed [physical(normal) + virtual(online)] mobility types have their own grant calculations. You can access the presentations of ERASMUS + PROGRAM AND VIRTUAL MOBILITY INTRODUCTORY BRIEFING MEETING FOR STAFF OCTOBER 2020 and ERASMUS+ PROGRAM AND COVID-19 INTRODUCTORY BRIEFING MEETING FOR STUDENTS AND STAFF OCTOBER 2020 for information on grant management of virtual and mixed mobility types in this link and / or you can contact us by emailing

In Staff Mobility and all other types of mobility in the framework of Erasmus+ Program;

In addition to the usual daily grant and travel expenses grant, there is a “SPECIAL NEEDS GRANT” support for participants with disabilities (provided that their disability is documented).

For special needs grant support, supplementary agreements are signed in addition to the usual individual support grant contract. All details about the relevant grant applications and contractual processes are conducted by our Office and grant is provided to the participants. For any questions and information about "Special Needs grant" support, please visit our office by making an appointment at the address

Yes. It is possible for staff to participate in mobility, within the quota, without grants.

Regarding the effects of Covid-19 pandemic on Erasmus+ Program and Staff Mobility for Teaching and Training, it will be helpful to read the Covid-19 Frequently Asked Questions Information Presentation, which you can access at the link of Also, you can always contact us at the address of

Yes. Our distance education project for English support, Kent English At Home, consisting of A1, A2, B1 and B2 levels; has been implemented. You can access relavant videos, presentations and exercises in the link of

In addition, our program of free, online and synchronized English lessons, English for the Members of Kent,which is available to our students and staff, was put into effect and has been conducted by the English Preparatory Program of our university. The Program consists of A1, A2, B1 and B2 levels and aims to move students and staff, who regularly attend the classes, from A1, beginner level to B2, upper independent level.

“INTERNATIONAL ACADEMIC COOPERATION PROTOCOLS" other than Erasmus+ Program, which were signed with prestigious universities abroad such as India Noida International University, USA, Central Washington University, U.S.A University of North Carolina Wilmington and Russia Southern Federal University and which are available at the Erasmus+ web-tab of our University's web-page, are inter-institutional “International Academic Cooperation Partnership Protocols"; which states that said universities and our institutions recognize each other and will work on joint projects and exchange programs which will bring about mutual benefit. It is aimed to detail the agreements in the short and long term and to come up with joint academic projects and academic exchange programs.

Notifications and announcements about the updates on Erasmus+ Program and other International Academic Cooperation Partnerships; are sent to the corporate email address of our students and staff with extensions as a mass email notification. It is useful to track your corporate email address regularly and, if possible, add it to your email accounts on your smartphone.

Also for up-to-date information and announcements, please follow our announcements in this link: