Kent Üniversitesi

Developmental Diagnostic Assessment and Child Focused Family Counseling Unit

In the unit, children with atypical development or children at risk of atypical development, as well as children with typical development and their families, are provided with the developmental support and counseling they need. According to the results of a comprehensive family interview with the family applying to the unit and a detailed developmental assessment of the child; the developmental support needed by the family and child is provided, and development of the child is monitored at regular intervals. According to the results of the evaluation, children who have a “developmental diagnosis” are referred to the appropriate units to be evaluated for a “medical diagnosis”.  Developmental support needed by the child is planned weekly in the “Support for Children and Early Intervention Unit”. In this process, family interviews are conducted in the “Developmental Diagnostic Evaluation and Child-focused Family Counseling” Unit according to the needs of the family.

As part of the courses, students of the Department of Child Development observe under the leadership of faculty members in the unit, apply tests for developmental assessment, interpret test results and conduct family interviews.